Monday, June 22, 2009

cool kids - schoolin'

random facts of the day:

- burnt popcorn is fucking nasty. its bitter and the taste sticks to your mouth. fuckin' gross... and i just ate a handful. fack me loife.

- went to the free Cool Kids concert yesterday. packed with hype beasts. i lost greg and then and was almost at the very front of the crowd surrounded by tall ass black mans smokin' dank. it was fun still. 

- i cut my bangs, they are very short. very, very short buuuuttt.. i was tired of having that shit in my face. i <3>

- i am running out of random facts...

- where the fuck can i watch harry potter 1 online....

yeah ill add more lataaaaaaaaaZzZzzzz

Saturday, June 6, 2009

too lazed to blog properly

Re-cap of the past couple of weeks:

1. ) Prom (weekend) was everything I thought it'd be. That's a really, really good thing. 

2.) In the span of 15 minutes, I received a Mac Desktop, and the news that my mom ordered me a new phone that's actually pretty nice and decent. Good karma, good karma. A Mac can be a bitch, though.

3.) RYC practice is going well, I really like all the new dances I learned. It's really nice to learn new routines after 3 months of doing the same ones over and over again. Chrisshan's, Mike's and Greg's routines are all equally impressive. 

4.) Speaking of learning new choreo, C2 Genesys had it's first workshop since we began hardcore stomp practices. It was fun and pretty successful. It made me remember how fun it was to meet new people. 

5.) I've been happier (sorta.. a little bit, maybe.) these past couple weeks. 

Re-cap of today:

1.) The team was supposed to perform at Seneca College. First of all, walking to Seneca, being inside the campus where my first conference was, and remember all those super amazing memories there gave me jitters. That conference holds some of the best (and worst, unfortunately for bad boyfriends) memories I've ever had. I could've cried, I swear. Ian agrees!

2.) As I said, we were supposed to perform but... we all flopped. How professional! Haha, whatever.

3.) Trekked it to Mcdonalds, Hannah gave us coupons, saved money, ate well. The usual.

4.) Everyone came over, we all chilled, my parents fed everyone with good burgers had a really good practice, and everyone ended up leaving at 12:45. 

All-in-all; practice was really fun. It's a completely different atmosphere compared to STOMP practices. Alot more relaxed, alot more chill. But I'm having a blast learning this new choreo. Today I learned Chrisshan's routine and it was so dope, I struggled a bit but I love challenges. Yup, when practice ended, finished it off with 2 hours of Smash Bros. and YouTube.  Good day!

Last thought:

Life's kinda looking up. I said KINDA. Sorta... eh..